ADRES PRACOWNI ul. Grunwald 171 B/76 60-322 PoznaΕ„ t: +48 61 666 20 79 @: PokaΕΌ mapΔ™ LIDKA OSTROWSKA e: m: +48 505 126 760 RADEK OSTROWSKI e: m: +48 504 286 714 CONTACT FORM


A distinctive feature of our project is the functionality. We work methodically, create a coherent visualization and modify them in order to seek the perfect effect, which combines usability and interesting design. ARCHITEKTURA WNĘTRZA


Ostrowscy Design Laboratory is engaged in designing architecture and interiors of 2002. We work with people, to explore the space dedicated specifically to the individual needs. We try to, design was connected to the luxury, art and fashion. We develop projects from general to specific, striving to balance pragmatic solutions and unusual shapes. Traditional spatial criteria obey innovative elements. Nasze