We provide comprehensive architectural: houses, buildings for public use, development of the garden. We create thoughtful designs elevation.


The interiors of houses, housing, say about us and speak to us, create an atmosphere of, because creative space is so important. A sustainable organization premises is important for us assumption.


Projekty architektoniczne NajwaΕΌniejszym polem dziaΕ‚alnoΕ›ci Ostrowscy Design jest projektowanie architektoniczne. ZdywersyfikowaliΕ›my our offer, starting from the design of small single-family homes, major office buildings in the public buildings, ending on custom orders. We work at all stages of project: from concept, by construction project, executive, to the supervision of the implementation. To ensure a comprehensive and thorough service, kooperujemy


Lidia Ostrowska Absolwentka WydziaΕ‚u Architektury Politechniki PoznaΕ„skiej oraz Liceum Plastycznego w Poznaniu. Architecture and interior designs for several years, treating your taste to create a personal passion for life. Their knowledge up to date deepens participating in numerous workshops, training, fairs and openings. Lidia recognizes the individual needs during initial discussions with the client and propose optimal solutions. Jako